Archive for March 2012

Quick update

Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Posted by Faqihin
I haven't updated for a while.  *Sighs* I've been busy with my job but I won't let that be an excuse for me to stop drawing.  Heck no! Right now, I'm working on a sketch; inking and coloring it.  But for this update, I want to post a short comic.  Quite frankly, my plan was always to put short comics in here but I haven't really done any that sort of clicks--I don't know, maybe I'm too much of a perfectionist.  I always want my stories to be epic.  I just gotta realize that I'm still learning and I gotta start small.  So here it is, a short comic :3
P.s. For better right click on the pics and press "open link in new tab"
Sorry for the poor quality :/

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It's a parody of a classic Dragon Ball scene.  I've watched it again recently and I've notice some ridiculous scenes.  Be that as it may, it's still one of my favorite childhood's shows.  I call this short "Still Standing" as in every time when the show is about to introduce a new strong character, they emphasize the strong factor by having them arrogantly facing a constantly monologuing villain.  For instance, when future Trunks arrived, he met cyborg Frieza.  We all know how bad ass Frieza is and so we expect that Trunks would be having a tough time defeating him, right? Wrong! Even with the multiple combos of ki blast, Trunks survived without a single scratch on him just by standing there.  So, there it quick update :)

Salam and have a good day everybody!