Faqihin On Tuesday, 20 December 2011

No, it's not done.  Heck, I'm not even sure when it is going to be done.  Having some problems with inking though.  I really need photoshop now.  I'm going to London soon and of course, I will not have much time to draw and the drawing part takes loads of time.  I'm pretty confident that I'll have time to write there though; Insya Allah.  At times of distressed, I would usually write love songs (Haha!) but as of right now, I have no tunes nor words in my mind that could be written in a song.  I do, however, have a title for a love song.  It's called water my heart.  I vision the song to be about a young man's understanding of a greater and more mature love.  A shift from puppy love to real love but that's another story.  The idea is there but I can't think of rhymes to describe it.

And at times when I have writer's block (Well, I'm not sure if my lack of ideas would be considered as writer's block), I would find inspirations.  Melodies of inspiring films would be my main source of  peace; giving me the mood of writing stories. And on rare occasions, caring for a soul would inspire me to write songs.  Whatever it is that is need to be written, I would always find inspirations first.  The video above is a score or soundtrack (Whichever you prefer to call them) is from the film Everything is illuminated.  A lovely film.  I smiled all the way while watching it.  The film is somewhat different and beautiful.  I wish that I could buy the soundtrack album though but alas, it's not a very popular film in Malaysia.  To be honest, this is my 2nd favorite soundtrack album.  The first being The Brothers Bloom (Oh, the very thought of this film's score makes me very...well, at peace, to say the least).  The film made me fell in love with women with bowler hats; all thanks to Rachel Weisz.  It is my dream to actually watch this film together with my wife; crying together (Bapak jiwang sial/ oh silly me).  Well, a man can dream can he?

Penelope's theme...6 times out of 10, this score can get me all emotional :')

If I would ever have plans for a romantic dinner or any romantic occasions; this song would definitely be the soundtrack!

Well, that's it for now.  Funny, I plan to write about my current problems with writing but it turned into a man's confession of love.  At least I gave links to inspirational songs :p

Embrace Your Creed: Nurul Shakira is still on the works...
Insya Allah, I'll finish it as soon as possible.  Salam and have a good day everybody!

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