Faqihin On Sunday 24 February 2013

I just watched this film and I just have to make a review.

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

A key phrase of what this review is all about.  This film had the same problem with Transformers 2, it was filled with action almost nonstop.  I hate those sort of plots because it's not intelligent; almost undermining the audience that only senseless violence would interest them.  No, this visually breathtaking film wasn't filled with bloody violence.  It's Tintin, of course it wasn't! It's kid friendly.  What bothered me was the action that happens almost every 5 minutes! At a moment, they're escaping from being held hostage on a ship and then they're flying under thunderous clouds after the next 5 to 6 minutes.  

Now, I was deeply impressed with the animation.  Using motion capture technology, the animation of this film was just breathtaking! I kept saying "wow" while watching it.  The settings were so impressive and the texture, like the sea, was just so real! I love the fact that they literally realize the styles of the original comic by giving them realistic skin textures.  It was almost seeing cartoons being brought to life! But be that as it may, they over did it.  Yes, the visuals were terrific but that doesn't mean the story should be ignored.  Even with motion capture, somehow, not much emotions were shown by the characters.  Character developments were executed poorly and I hated Haddock.  The jokes were also, most at the time, forced; silly and quick slapstick is not funny.  It almost felt like they were just showing off with the visual effects; having unnecessary  buildings falling apart and exploding ships.

After reading a few reviews and comprehending the idea that this film was generally accepted, I had some second thoughts about The Adventures of Tintin.  But then again, most of the reasons why most like it was because of the director's trademark style.  Stephen Spielberg's Indiana Jones is one of his most beloved films and that film's style could been seen in Tintin.  It was a breath of fresh air to that treasure seeking adventure story.  I did not grew up watching Indiana Jones but should I condemn it? I don't think so. But should I be hypocritical just to agree with the majority? No. So, judging this film based on what I saw, know and like, it needs more work with the script.  Tintin is a reporter who's hungry for amazing stories and I want to see more of that.  I want to see that concept to be emphasized more.  The comic was also popular for it's variety of genres.  So, I don't want to see another treasure hunting plot for the sequel.  Try fantasy or conspiracies...anything besides treasure hunting.

The guidelines:
 1/5: Pathetic/ Wasting time/ Disrespectful or any other insults you could think of  :)
2/5: Boring/ Cliche'.
3/5: A good film to past the time/ Could of been better.
4/5: An awesome and inspiring movie.
5/5: Ever green/ An instant classic/ Inspiring/ Epic/ Genius. 

The addition of 0.5 is somewhat an extra to films that I think that could go to the next level of the ratings.  Did that made any sense? :/ 

In conclusion, this film fails to explain to me exactly what Tintin is all about.  I didn't grew up watching Tintin either.  It's just stressful to see this visually impressive film to be ruined by it's poor story.  The actions were just too much.  But I'm glad to know that it was generally well received though.  The efforts for the animation should be applaud.    

So, I give this movie a 2.5/5. The extra 0.5 is due the amazing animation. 

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